Salten Skov



Material(s): painted glass & mild steel

Current Location: unknown

Status: released from Broomhill

Additional Information: 2014 National Sculpture Prize Finalist

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Artist Statement

Experimenting previously with abstract illusionism and liberating the fixed image, I became interested in light and its ephemeral effect on the landscape. This is an inspiration for my current practice as I try to capture this ethereal quality in my sculptural interpretation. I used mild steel not just for its support but also for the earthy patina it acquires as it rusts, and its contrast to the fragility of the glass, with fused and painted detail reflecting the repetitive and rhythmic textures of the planted landscape. I feel it’s my previous combination of skills and experience that produces the painterly textural appearance that characterises my work. Working intuitively with materials I respond to the imagery and form derived from experiments to achieve the consistency that forms my palette.