Making a Beeline
Material(s): sandstone
Current Location: unnown
Status: Returned to Artist
Anstee-Parry likes to use humour in her work so, sometimes, there will be a visual pun. In the sculpture “Making a beeline” she has used the image of a rolled up cigarette as a visual explanation of the way a particular disease, for which the bumble bee is prone, is treated and this is done by fumigating the underside of the hive using tobacco. Mary Anstee-Parry initially studied sculpture at Norwich School of Art and Design but, later on, in 1997 she attended the City and Guilds of London Art School for a further period of study of skills. Under the guidance of Dick Onians, where she learnt traditional woodcarving, letter carving and gilding. In 2000 she was awarded the role of ‘notable alumni.’
Our Planting Scheme
This sun trap haven of our woodland brings beauty and vibrance in the spring. Adding the wildflowers to this patch of grassland will increase the dancing delicate colours in the area throughout summer and autumn and hopefully encourage the fauna to ‘Make a Beeline’ to this spot.