Poise: Shifting Skies
Material(s): porcelain & steel
Current Location: unknown
Status: released from Broomhill
Additional Information: 2012 National Sculpture Prize Finalist
Artist Statement
Poise: shifting skies is my own abstract vision of movement and change in an extraordinary enigmatic form. The sculpture is developed from an experience of challenging the material and process with our emotion and conceptualization. The sculpture is created from undulating porcelain rings on a steel framework. The reflective surface of the supporting structure is a representation of our own individuality within our environment.
Being a ceramicist, clay has many metaphorical understandings and connotations for use. Porcelain is recognized for domestic use however in this case I want to highlight the unique aesthetic capabilities and emotional impact of the material. The porcelain reflects the pure uncomplicated reassurance of our skies and our ever-changing choices and independence.