Quarrelsome 15kg



Material(s): plastic & a car

Current Location: Broomhill Estate

Status: available through Broomhill

2016 National Sculpture Prize Finalist & Judges' Winner

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Quarrelsome 15kg will consist of a car which appears to act as a platform to a formalist sculpture. It is a sculpture of two individual sections that concentrates on the relationship between ‘object and form.’ Due to the size, colour, shape, dynamics and characteristics of Quarrelsome 15kg, it will perfectly contrast the natural surroundings of the park in a complimentary manner. The sculpture also questions the possibilities of site-specific artwork and whether or not the specificity is firmly attached to a single place? The car which is a ready-made object acts as a plinth for the Formalist Sculpture above. Every object has a purpose and the practicality of the object plays a key role in creating narrative to the subject. I selected a car for this sculpture not only because of its popularity but the enormity of its function. Quarrelsome 15kg exhibits an alternative method to displaying artwork with an emphasis on originality and possibilities.