Punched 3611 times, Folded multiple times, Finally stood up
BOOTH, David
Material(s): leather and steel
Current Location: Devon, UK
Status: private collection
Additional Information: 2010 National Sculpture Prize Finalist
Artist Statement
Sometimes there are times in everyone’s life when you need to escape, times of illness or grief. I have used folds as my metaphor for distraction techniques. Their repetition can provide comfort, time to heal and escape. The varied widths of folds represent how this is not always as effective at different times in life; the folds become calmer and smaller to signify comfort. 3611 is the number of holes I punched to thread the sculpture. I chose to thread the vinyl on steel (to illustrate personal strength or support that you need to find) and I have sculpted into stems, inspired by fluid and organic qualities to create movement and that reaches for the sky to find that escape.