The Atmospheric Tide


PECIRNO, Michael

Material(s): metal panels treated with thermochromic paint & metal pole

Current Location: unknown

Status: released from Broomhill

Additional Information: 2015 National Sculpture Prize Finalist

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Artist Statement

The Atmospheric Tide is a sculpture that modifies its appearance to be explicitly in-sync with the climactic conditions of Broomhill Sculpture Park. A series of rectangular metal panels coated in a specialised thermochromic blue paint are minimally stacked and supported via a narrow and delicate centre pole. As the metal panels rise into the sky their colours change from an opaque and bright white to a rich deep blue. The colours of the panels slowly change and shift throughout the day, their colouring affected by the panel’s surface temperatures. The result is a sculpture whose form is constantly in flux; passing clouds, heavy cold winds, and bright light directly modify the sculpture’s appearance.