Spanish Dancers


GERVEN, Dawn van

Material(s): not determined

Current Location: unknown

Status: released from Broomhill

Additional Information: 2010 National Sculpture Prize Finalist

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Artist Statement

I work with construction. Installations made from individual components create a bigger picture. Play is important, the effect of the surroundings, sculptural placement and context, having profound results on the work’s power. Researching this subject with what seem small insignificant objects, transforming their role. I am interested in the energy of materials and the relationship between them.

This piece, specially designed for Broomhill, is inspired by sea slugs commonly referred to as Spanish Dancers, from the Nudibranch family. Nudibranch is neo Greek/Latin for naked gills, increasing the body surface, enhancing breathing and represented through the hundreds of discs on the body architecture.

I want to highlight interaction through the sensation of movement. Taking what seems insignificant, (like a slug) and replacing it as a powerful presence, transforming the role in existence. This role is a self-contained component of a larger entity. The relationship between big and small becomes more important than what we ‘think’ we fully understand.