


Material(s): hot zinc treated & painted steel

Current Location: unknown

Status: returned to artist

Additional Information: 2023 RSS 'In Harmony' Exhibition

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Tebbenhoff’s work represents the physical expression of a highly personal cosmology, a sustained meditation into the ways in which sculptural form might be made to evoke a yearning for our supernatural bearings. Above all, she seeks to trigger a sense of recognition in the viewer through an appeal to a universal idea of beauty. She is working at a moment when many contemporary artists seem hypnotized by the allure of commodities and this lends her abstract sculpture; a deeper poetic resonance beyond the trivialities of everyday experience. 

Born on a farm in Germany - Tebbenhoff came to England in 1969. She studied ceramics at Sir John Cass School of Art in London between 1972-5. This was followed by a course in metal fabrication in 1985-6. Her work has since been exhibited across the globe, with works in private and public collections.

Our Planting Scheme

Woodland plants and trees go hand-in-hand, and these shade-loving plants add to the allure of this sculpture, naturalising it within its wooded surroundings. The majesty of this sculpture encapsulates the natural beauty that it sits in and its wider environment. Like a young sapling reaching for the sunlight, it needed simple yet small bursts of colour throughout the year to draw the eye.